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14 March 2023 by

[4], Pride was significant to Saiyans until they were tamed by Frieza's army; causing all of the Saiyans who served Frieza (aside from Bardock) to have lost their pride.[5]. Goku even claims his sense of smell is similar to that of a dog's (which is far superior to that of a human). It is unknown if Saiyan aptitudes carry onto their hybrid children, as the intelligence of all Saiyan hybrids has been shown to be products of their upbringing (Gohan was privately tutored, Trunks grew up in a family of scientists etc.). Their offensive capacities have become much greater, and their rage is even more intense than the standard Great Ape's. They have also come to use their innate capacity for combat productively, fighting evil rather than causing it. and our Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. As for how powerful. . The two races from the Superman-Goku debate combine! Saiyans like Goku and Vegeta are frequently seen training and improving their fighting skills to keep up with each other's skills and the appearance of new, more powerful foes. There's that debate going on, but what Vegeta said is probably more on the ultimate potential of the hybrid than on his inherent power. The naturally high gravity of Planet Vegeta (10x that of Earth) develops their physical strength, making them incredibly strong at young ages. Vegeta and Nappa themselves had a good degree of camaraderie between them, but Vegeta did not hesitate to kill Nappa later on when he displayed weakness after being crippled by Goku. Either way, saiyans are still able to fully operate at the highest levels for a long time after they have eaten, seemingly being stronger right after they've eaten, but if they don't eat as many times as necessery they might get weaker and eventually die, although in a slower rate than normal humans, -Saiyans can't breathe in space or underwater but they can hold their breathes for very long and survive in hostile environments like the vacuum of space. they learn that their celluar bloods have also increased whenever when they are with the power of the sun! Stronger or god-like Saiyans can survive this type. Saiyans are noted for having ravenous, and seemingly insatiable appetites. Even prior to joining the Frieza Force, Saiyans possessed compact spaceships and combat-based items more advanced than the technology on Earth. Maybe it is, maybe it's a latent Kryptonian power. The air around him crackled with electricity and the aura surrounding . Masterff. When perfect student Lena Luthor ends up in detention one day, she ends up crossing paths with the troubled Kara Danvers, who Lena soon learns is full of surprises. The modern Saiyans are descended from the evil ancient Saiyans who killed the original Super Saiyan God and historically wiped out the Super Saiyan God subspecies of Ancient Saiyan. Saiyan hybrids in particular grow like crazy. So all in all such a hybrid would likely be very unlikely as it begs to many questions and sort of retcons both character species relative established universes. Then, around Age 730, the Saiyans were able to transform into Great Apes thanks to the full moon that only appeared once every 100 years on the planet; with this, they finally annihilated the Tuffles and renamed the planet Planet Vegeta after their commanding hero, King Vegeta. As evidenced in Dragon Ball, Saiyans have a very keen sense of smell. In the anime, the strongest and most powerful of Saiyans (especially those who can turn Super Saiyan), can easily move faster than the speed of light, and even King Kai, who can easily track Attack Ball's traveling at faster-than-light speeds, can't keep up with them. Obviously the answers will be different based on the person answering them, but I look forward to seeing the different ideas you have here. This makes him one of the only beings capable of tracking Androids that lack ki signatures. It's possible for Saiyans to restore their lost memories through the means of a trigger. Super breath: Just like Kryptonians Result: Regular or icy, don't get caught on this! [14] At some point in the era of the conflict between good and evil Saiyans, Cumber fought for the evil Saiyans side, and seemingly encountered a Super Saiyan God - however Cumber was whisked away from the conflict and brought to the future by Fu as part of his plans. Saiyans have small space-pods that are only big enough for one person sitting down. Super Strength: Sparga is incredibly strong, bordering on unbelievably so. Sayians are already super fast,super strong and super durable and capable of far more energy projection attacks and overall just alot more versatile in terms of attacks..The only added bonus is the gained ability to adsorb solar sun light from a star. Eyes would be dependent mainly on the Kryptonian side, since this is a recessive gene for Saiyans. 640 Anime Fans. Saiyans are capable of creating kinetic outburts of KI. Super Saiyans 1 and 2 will turn into Super Saiyan (Berserk) while Super Saiyan Blue will turn into Super Saiyan Blue (Berserk). This has shown to be possible by mixing the standard Super Saiyan form with either Great Ape or Super Saiyan God. As shown with Goku recognizing his father's voice recovering the long-lost memories of his parents Bardock and Gine, as well as the original Broly regaining his memories by catching a glimpse of Goku in a what-if saga in Supersonic Warriors 2 and Raditz regaining his memories from catching a glimpse of his nephew Gohan's tail while training in Fateful Brothers. Gine informed Raditz of his brother's whereabouts though he, Nappa, Vegeta, and Frieza Force assumed Goku had been sent to invade Earth by the Saiyan Army, unaware his departure to Earth was unauthorized as Bardock and Gine had stolen a Attack Ball to send Goku off-world. Daniel Steele/Xon-El is a Kryptonian/human hybrid first born of Jor-El. Historically they would also fail and died out with the rest of the righteous Saiyans. part saiyan, part kryptonian hybrids, most of the saiyans had tried to take over krypton but while most fled from the kryptonian technology. However, Goku and Vegeta's families had spread and so many Earthlings possessed hidden Saiyan genes, and thus the traits of the Saiyans, such as the potential to become Super Saiyan, and also to receive Saiyan Power. Kryptonite: Human hybrids seem to be as equally affect by Kryptonite as full kryptonians, but since Saiyans are a powerful race, much more powerful than humans and capable of immunity against several poisons and diseases, and also the fact that Superboy was not allergic to other elements that Clark was, except for Kryptonite, I'd say this one will still be a big weakness, but not as big has before. Lena starts taking an interest in the puzzle that is Kara. In the manga and special Yo! Frieza and Cooler will promise to exterminate each and every last Saiyan remaining. By combining Great Ape and Super Saiyan, a Saiyan becomes a Golden Great Ape. Perhaps as a byproduct of their speed and reflexes, Saiyans are also abnormally quick learners, able to process large amounts of information within a limited amount of time. In Age 737, a Saiyan scientist develops the Saibamen using biotechnology[21][9] and those creatures make their way into the Galactic Frieza Army through the Saiyans. At some point, Planet Vegeta was visited by the God of Destruction Beerus, who ultimately deemed the Saiyans as a savage race with no chance of improving (or more accurately he felt that they were just annoying). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. To which, most Saiyans of Universe 6 appear to have a calmer and kinder nature compared to the majority of their Universe 7 counterparts, regarding the Saiyans with a rare aggressive attitude as "punks". This heightened metabolism also benefits their physique, as despite their gluttonous eating, it is still much harder for Saiyans to grow obese or even suffer indigestion or cramps; in fact, it seems to improve their overall performance. At certain points it is implied that the Mastermind has been manipulating Giblet even using his ability to rewrite a person's motives and desires. Would the DNA even be compatible??? These form the . If we assume this, then the Kryptonian/Saiyan hybrid will most likely not inherent these traits unless the Kryptonian half has some of it. Over the years, the Saiyans also learned how to use the Tuffles' advanced equipment and became smarter and less barbaric, although they still lusted for fighting and destruction. Saiyans are considered for the most part to be comparable in intelligence to humans. A Saiyan who achieves a level of power at the level of gods becomes a "God-like Saiyan". These natural powers of speed and reflex make nearly all Saiyan hand-to-hand combat very fast. Goten and Trunks' fusion as Gotenks shows much, much more ease in obtaining even the final form, entering the Hyperbolic Time Chamber whilst being unable to make the first transformation. Also, they would have a muscular build. Saiyan hybrids can also show a high appetite, although it may appear later in life; Gohan only began showing such an appetite after he became a Super Saiyan. As a warrior race, the Saiyans would commonly wear protective armor consisting of a form-fitting body suit and battle armor. Kryptonians don't seen to have genetically predispositioned personality traits, except for a certain sense of rationality and above average intelligence or curiosity. Regardless, the hybrids strenght without training is huge, depending on the Kryptonian version used or the ammount of strenght a Kryptonian hybrid has in comparison to a full Kryptonian, but with the possibility of increase the other half of his strenght and putting it on top of the Kryptonian one (because Saiyan human hybrids have full saiyan strenght and can also increase it through training), the strenght potential of this being is tremendous. Would the DNA even be compatible??? It is unknown what fuel the space pods use, and there is no visible exhaust area for the fuel's waste to be expelled from (though when they fly, they have an energy aura around them). #Boruto #Naruto #Kishimoto. If a Saiyan lets his guard, the most important part of their durability, gradually down, no matter how powerful, this will cause the Saiyan to become vulnerable to behind surprise attacks and will take as much damage as a "super-human" could. Pan, Gohan's daughter and a quarter Saiyan herself, was able to fly as a baby with no formal instruction. In theatrythm, opera omnia, stranger of paradise and dissidia, he has stats that both buff and passively defuff the foe and his hit rate. The Saiyan Army tried many times to overthrow the Tuffles but were unsuccessful, sparking a ten-year conflict on the planet. Goku appears to have greater depth to the chest, neck, shoulders, and thighs, with other muscles increasing in size and definition after that. The only possible exception to the rule of Saiyans being unable to survive the vacuum of space might be Legendary Saiyans, due to the original Broly flying through an asteroid field without any apparent problems as a child and teen. One i dont think there really compatible in terms of them having an effect on each others abilities. God-like Saiyans, possess an astronomical level of physical strength, capable of crumbling apart the entire universe when clashing with another God. yes they do. Augustus Freeman/Icon ( Milestone/DC Comics) Mar'i Grayson/Nighstar ( DC comics ), daughter of starfire and Richard Grayson. In this state, a Saiyan will generally lose most if not all control of themselves, with aggressiveness reaching its peak, causing them to lose all rationality to primal instinct. Jess (Supergirl TV 2015) SUPER FRIENDS HIGH SCHOOL AU. Ancient Saiyans possess different energy from their present-day counterparts, the evil ancient Saiyan Cumber was shown to have a corrupting aura and the ability to create shadow hands. Hero Of Reality (Kryptonian/Saiyan Hybrid Reader x Multiverse) (DISCONTINUED). He later develops a loving relationship with his wife Bulma and has shown genuine affection and care for his children, Trunks and Bulla. Viltrumite blood would make it so that they kept their power even without sunlight and would also have their capability to train their powers. Atomos. A Tribrid is Cross-Breed of three different supernatural . [19], Due to the Saiyans' innate strength and penchant for violence, they were considered to be useful mercenaries and assisted in the conquering of many planets, or if assignment called for, eradication of the planet's population (even Saiyan children were considered powerful enough to conquer some of the weaker planets, such as Earth).[20]. In the series, the Saiyans from Universe 7 are a naturally aggressive warrior race who were supposedly striving to be the strongest in the universe, while the Saiyans from Universe 6 are protectors. Saiyans can take on an empowered state known as Evil Saiyan. We can't be sure if under this the hybrid would have the kryptonian abilites, but if it did, it would be basically, Hulk up to a gazillion. Saiyan offspring will inherit S-Cells from their parents, this is why Goten, Trunks, and the hybrid clone Cell were able to become Super Saiyans so easily. When used by a heroic ancient Saiyan, the form is identical to the modern day Super Saiyan - though it possesses a golden tail (which is not always portrayed as a trait of a modern Saiyan). Result: Something probably near Superman levels of senses, including X-ray, Telescopic and microscopic vision, except for smell, in which would be Saiyan level (slightly above a bear), Heat vision: Not much to say here Result: Pretty powerful heat vision. Half Kryptonians get half the strength. The hybrid would possess under yellow sun: Super human strenght - what level? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 6 years ago. [22] Soon, that same year the maniacal warlord Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta, nearly eradicating the Saiyan race. In Universe 6, Saiyans naturally no longer have tails. By: Harpy81. Due to their enormous strength and intense aura, the Saiyans' energy and nutritional intake requirements are a great deal higher than normal Earthlings. They appear to lack sympathetic emotions as though by choice rather than by nature, as shown by their relative lack of fear of death and uncaring attitude towards family members (example being Raditz's brutal beating of his long-lost brother Goku, and Vegeta's seeming indifference to his father's death). this made them twice of the threat towards the planets! Basically. [8] In Dragon Ball Super, Saiyans are still young at the age of 80. Dragon Ball: The Return of Son Goku and Friends! Red Sun: Goodbye my lover!! In Piccolo's case, he will remark that the Saiyans aren't the only ones trained in the art of combat. The Saiyans are a fighting race who, since ancient times, have lived a violent and inhumane lifestyle, where they attack numerous planets to build up wealth and goods. Even if it's just a human thing, it's possible that the interection with Saiyan DNA, capable of KI induced Psychokinesis, could lead to Tactile Telekinesis or full TK. Result: OH GOD THAT'S BADASS!! In at least the case of Universe 6 Saiyans, their irises are visible with slightly lighter coloring. Once we find them we send our warriors there to purge them of any life and make them ready for sale. As shown by Cabba's Super Saiyan transformation during his match with Vegeta in the Tournament of Destroyers, the Saiyans of Universe 6 are capable of achieving this form in the same manner as the Saiyans of Universe 7. However, according to Akira Toriyama, their natural lifespan itself is longer than humans', but as a warrior race many of them die in battle, and by extension their general lifespan. 03-27-2019, 05:19 AM #5. During the Vegeta Saga of Dragon Ball Z, King Kai describes the Saiyans as a group of barbaric aliens who shared a planet with a race known as the Tuffles. Saiyans who are proper godly beings possess natural god ki, as well as an altered Super Saiyan Blue. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Yeah but I wasnt talking about hybrids. Even weaker Saiyans are capable of conquering most planets alone. xcept Zenkai and energy manipulation. Saiyans also seem to have keen eyesight. Forms are obtainable modes that multiply the player's battle power while they're active. Vegeta is shown to care for his father as a child, coming to his defense when Beerus was punishing King Vegeta for keeping the universe's most comfortable pillow for himself, that Beerus requested him to acquire for him only for King Vegeta to try to pass off the universe's second most comfortable one as the most comfortable. Hybrid Saiyans, particularly Earthling-based hybrids, also might inherit more degenerative aspects from their non-Saiyan heritage which would impact their overall potential. The Kryptonian Saiyan hybrid. Furthermore, the Saiyan Royals are keeping in line with this, simply named Vegeta(ble) and (Vege)Tarble. Imagine a Sun-Dipped Super Saiyan-Kryptonian. Their mother Gine was later revealed in Dragon Ball Minus. Once the latter three discovered that their planet was destroyed, Frieza lied to them that an asteroid had hit their world and offered them continued employment in return for eventual wealth. While Saiyans can grow beards it apparently takes them a long time, as seen when Goku and Vegeta spent three years in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, yet only grew enough facial hair to cover their faces. [23] There were only a few thousand Saiyans on the planet. First, we'll start with the easier part, personality. 2:00. Then can one power augment the other and vice versa? The Saiyans also seem to believe that death is preferable compared to living with the shame of losing against someone inferior to them in level, which is especially evident with Vegeta and his primary motivation for his rivalry with Goku. Saiyan families appear to be far different to that of a traditional Earthling family; apart from the royal family of Vegeta, they are not particular about blood-relationships. They kept WoL alive after cosmos dies and alive despite any injury he has in opera omnia. Prologue part one; Prologue part two . This was supported by Goku who once stated that he feels stronger with it than without it. We use cookies to enhance your experience, analyze site traffic, and for marketing purposes. When using his natural Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Blue forms, Beat's Hero Avatar and Great Saiyaman Suit are automatically deactivated. The OP asks for how powerful the hybrid could be. While this was always possible, it became necessary for the survival of the Saiyan race when all the female Saiyans were exterminated. My rushed attempt at it (mainly for the lulz): So, here it is! Sheer force: It will still work but in theory you'll need to hit harder. Kaioken x10 : x?? In Dragon Ball Legends, the Ancient Saiyan Shallot is shown to possess a heightened olfactory sense superior to even modern Saiyans like Goku and Broly, due to his ability to determine a fighter's power level via their scent alone. [43] Hybrid Saiyans, due to genetic reasons, can be born without a tail, like Goten or Trunks[47] (Gohan is the only Saiyan-hybrid in the manga/anime that is shown with a Saiyan tail), and if they do, they have an extraordinary potential. Through several different methods a Saiyan can ascend to godhood and achieve the Super Saiyan God form, the most notable being a sacred ritual involving the transfer of ki from five righteous Saiyans to a sixth Saiyan as host. However, the Saiyans can train themselves to overcome this weakness, leaving them unaffected altogether, like Goku did when he preparing for the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament or Vegeta and Nappa before coming to Earth. It's a very, very profitable business and we take great pride in being efficient in our work.Raditz to Goku in Reunions. Assuming both his Saiyan and Kryptonian lineage are preserved, the hybrid may have at his will a number of tools for crime-fighting, world conquered or ass kicking. Saiyans (, Saiya-jin) are a race of extraterrestrials in the Dragon Ball anime and manga and its adaptive sequels, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super. Saiyans possess S-Cells within their bodies, S-Cells are what allow a Saiyan to become a Super Saiyan, however most Saiyans do not have many S-Cells within their bodies. Better question, how is Superman going to get Goku pregnant? You must log in or register to reply here. Saiyans appear inclined to be arrogant at times, leading them to allow enemies to gain advantages in battle just for fun. The Saiyan grows incredibly in size and tenfold in strength while drastically changing in appearance. As we know, it's not the least complex part, but because of that, we have no idea how an actual hybrid would behave and education comes into play too. For example, Gohan actually became less powerful during the seven years between his battle with Cell and the emergence of Buu, allowing Goku and Vegeta to catch up to and then surpass him, due to him having not trained enough. Modern Saiyans are referred to as "the tainted" by Giblet due to possessing the blood of the evil Saiyans. Answer (1 of 2): Unpopular opinion . [7] The Saiyan Army was employed under the Frieza Force, in which the tyrant would use the Saiyan warriors to conquer planets for him. [36] As explained by Vegeta near the end of Dragon Ball Z, Saiyans maintain their prime they evolved into a natural warrior race, enabling them to fight longer. Saiyans also have several transformations at their disposal, such as: -Great Ape; if they have not loss their tail, when confronted by a full moon or energy ball which replicates such, they turn into a massive ape, capable of destroying a planet's civilization alone, - Super Saiyan; with training and through an emotional trigger, a Saiyan can become exponentialy stronger with these transformations; there are 4 main transformations, from SSJ 1 to 4, each stronger than the last. Even Goku retained his love to fight after his amnesia, but satisfied that love through competitive sport, rather than barbaric slaughter. The two remaining Universe 7 Saiyans meet the Universe 6 Saiyan, Cabba in the Tournament of Destroyers years later after the genocide in Universe 7. It is also a central theme in the Baby Saga of Dragon Ball GT. Bardock has a close relationship with his wife Gine however, which is apparently rare among Saiyans. In fact, they will excommunicate Saiyans who do not show potential to assist in their violent ways, even alleged "royalty," such as Tarble.[34]. Two unnamed mid-class Saiyans are also shown to have survived the genocide, as they were on the same mission with Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz when Planet Vegeta was destroyed. I would love to see this Saiyan-Viltrumite Hybrid meets a Female Kryptonian (like Supergirl or Powergirl) and the Child would be the first Saiyan-Kryptonian-Viltrumite Tribrid (Saiyantonianmite) just imagine how powerful their child would be? The main thing going on for him is having all the powers with less weaknesses. [2], Saiyans do not naturally know how to fly, some need to be taught, while others work it out on their own (like Pan did in Dragon Ball Super). The OP asks for how powerful the hybrid could be. A Kryptonian/Saiyan hybrid who never lands on Earth Instead before his universe could begin, his fate was sealed until he was saved by an unknown force. On top of that, there are a few gadgets and weapons that might be useful for the hybrid, but as we will see, he/she will only need to use weapons if he/she feels bored and wants a challenge Let's see genetics or actually; powers and weaknesses. He is also less trusting of evil people like Turles and Frieza and it requires an extremely skilled manipulator like Zahha who managed to convince Shallot he was a friend and ally, though this was only successful due to Zahha being behind Shallot's amnesia. Be possible by mixing the standard Great Ape body suit and battle armor 6, Saiyans possessed compact and. Sport, rather than causing it 's possible for Saiyans Vege ) Tarble an effect each. Anime Community case of Universe 6 Saiyans, possess an astronomical level of physical strength, capable of tracking that. 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